料亭はかくしつらえられる。 ザ・料亭は心尽くしの極致である。それは、
The ryotei inside and out. The exquisite service started
as soon as we arrived at the gate of the Ryotei. An attendant appeared
as if from nowhere to welcome us inside. Passing through the small gate
covered with moss we paused to admire the pine leaves that had been neatly
arranged around the foot of a tree. Finally, Japanese-style corridor reveals
yet another perspective of beauty framed by the pillar, the floor and
the roof of the house. The tokonoma(alcove) displays a kakejiku(hanging
scroll) especially chosen for us. The scroll contains a haiku by the famed
poet Yosa no Buson. "In a sudden spring storm, the raincoat riders on
the raft are the petals of the cherry blossom." As we are seated at the
table a geiko and maiko appear and the banquet begins.
| |
The large entrance invites you.
大きな木の門は別世界への入り口。期待が高まる。 |
A small gate takes you into the Kitcho.
の懐へ。 |
Beautifully arranged pine leaves.
掃き清められた庭の隅に美しく並べられた松葉。 |
The bamboo covered well.
つい覗きたくなる井戸。青竹で蓋をされている。 |
The attendant waits at the entrance.
玄関で客が靴を脱ぐタイミングを計る下足番。 |
The spring sun warms the garden.
小池に水をたたえる庭。春の日差しが暖かい。 |
The inside of the shoes should be stylish!
中が赤い靴を用意。こんなおしゃれも大事。 |
The garden can be seen from the corridor.
縁側から臨む庭。実に手入れが行き届いている。 |
Mr.Hevin is fascinated with the tokonoma.
床の間をパチリ。うるわしき京都にメロメロ。 |
The raftsman rows against the spring storm.
時ならぬ嵐に竿さす筏師を、見事な筆致で表現。 |
Peonies and willows arranged in a basket.
唐ものスタイルの籠には、牡丹と雲龍柳が。 |
A tree froms a shadow on tatami.
畳の上にアブストラクトの絵のような木の影が。 |
Stepping out into the bamboo garden.
女将に勧められ、部屋の脇の竹の庭に出てみる。 |
The beauty of bamboo.
まっすぐ伸びた青竹が見事。しばし佇んで撮影。 |
Geta and zouri, are used when stepping out.
庭に出るため用に下駄が草履が用意されている。 |
Elegant service by a maiko!
舞妓さんの酌にご満悦のエヴァン氏。 |